ultraprocessed foods linked to heart disease diabetes mental disorders and early death

ultraprocessed foods linked to heart disease diabetes mental disorders and early death

Heart disease is spreading rapidly. The reason behind this is said to be processed and junk food. Heart disease is increasing rapidly among people after eating outside food. According to the report of ‘Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation’, in the year 2023, half i.e. 50 percent of the food budget will be spent on outside food.

Revealed in American study

People who eat too much outside food are often at risk of increasing cholesterol. Processed food from outside, which is a big enemy of health. Eating processed food is increasing obesity, high cholesterol and heart disease. According to the latest study of ‘American Heart Association’, the risk of heart diseases increases due to unfavorable social factors.

Check your heart health yourself

Climb 50-60 stairs in 1 minute

Do sit-ups 20 times in a row

How to avoid cardiac arrest?

If you want to avoid cardiac arrest, improve your lifestyle.

If you are addicted to tobacco or alcohol then quit it.

do yoga daily

Do walking, jogging, cycling

don’t take stress

what is triglyceride

Triglycerides are a type of fat (lipid) present in the blood of our body. When we eat food, our body converts unnecessary calories into triglycerides. Due to this, excessive amounts of triglycerides can accumulate in the cells of the body. Triglycerides are also formed due to hardening of the arteries of the body or thickening of the artery walls and due to this the risk of stroke, heart attack or serious heart related diseases increases significantly.

Disadvantages of saturated fat

Foods containing saturated fat can increase triglyceride levels rapidly. Saturated fat is found in large quantities in fried food items, red meat, egg yolk, dairy products, butter or fast food etc. Using these things for a long time increases the risk of heart related diseases.

sweet things are dangerous

Anyway, doctors advise diabetic patients to stay away from sweet things. But, in people suffering from diabetes, it is very likely that after eating or drinking sweet things, our body starts producing triglycerides immediately. In such a situation, it is better to stay away from sweet things.

read this also: Cancer Risk: Cancer is increasing rapidly among youth, more than 15 lakh cases every year! be alert immediately

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Calculate Your Body Mass Index (BMI)

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